Reformed Standards of Unity

Creeds and confessions are the banner of the church militant. They contain statements of doctrine that are to be believed, for knowledge unto godliness; and are to be confessed, for the ministry of the church unto the world. In this way, creeds and confessions are for each member of Christ’s body, and for the body as a whole.

In this podcast I chat with Dr. Peter Lillback about a project that he has been working for close tofifty years. Reformed Standards of Unity is a new volume that carries Christians down ancient paths, so that they might walk in today’s world with a living and confident faith. A church living in accord with these “standards of faith” is essential in the world today.

Westminster Seminary Press has issued a portable, durable, and elegant edition of the ecumenical creeds, the Westminster standards, the three forms of unity, and the second helvetic confession. Order today: For the Reformed Standards of Unity database, visit:

Show Notes


- Purchase the book from Westminster Seminary Press

-Visit the Reformed Standards of Unity database of creeds, confessions, and catechisms