The Majesty of Mystery: Celebrating the Glory of an Incomprehensible God

“How can God be three and one? How can God take on a human nature? If God planned everything, how can I be responsible? Do my prayers make any difference in God’s plan? Will we finally know everything when we get to heaven? “These are questions that recognize some of the mysterious tensions that Scripture presents to us. They are good questions, but wrong answers to good questions can rob us of a full and fulfilled Christian life, and they rob God of His proper glory. Proper answers—answers that allow the mystery of God and His ways to shine brightly—will evoke in us proper worship.” In The Majesty of Mystery, seasoned professor and preacher K. Scott Oliphint encourages believers to embrace the profound mysteries at the heart of Christian faith. The Trinity, the incarnation, eternal life, God’s sovereign will and human choices—none of these are problems to be explained away or puzzles to be dismissed as irrelevant. Rather, these are grand mysteries, not contradictory but paradoxical and wonderful. The more we recognize them in the biblical story, the deeper they lead us into worshiping the incomprehensible God who faithfully reveals Himself in Scripture. Written with deep theological knowledge and threaded with everyday implications, The Majesty of Mystery connects the dots between humanity and God, belief and practice, mystery and worship. Drawing from Reformed tradition and the Westminster Confession of Faith, Oliphint invites readers to rediscover the purpose to which all theology aims.


Lexham Press


September 1, 2016



K. Scott Oliphint

The Majesty of Mystery: Celebrating the Glory of an Incomprehensible God

Handbook of Dutch Church History

Herman Selderhuis as editor of this volume has brought together a team of experts, resulting in a unique approach since each chapter is co-written by a Catholic and a Protestant author, who have all integrated the latest research results. Each section begins with a brief historiographical overview. The same time, ecclesiastical events are always set within a greater framework of political, social, and cultural developments for which reason each author has taken the liberty to describe its own method. The user will find in this book tables, diagrams, and illustrations. Also many source texts are integrated in the narration. Theses texts are intended to bring the described events and people closer to the reader and, as it were, to let them speak the words. The name of the book as "Handbook of the church history of the Netherlands" immediately brings to mind three problematic complexes which are relevant to its user. First, there is the nature of a handbook, that is intended to be a good tool but also has its limitations: it stimulates and necessitates the use of further books. Second, the area. The Netherlands is a plurality and that is also noticeable in its church history, for each region, town, and village has its own church history. Third, the history of the church for sure is the most important aspect, but this history can only be understood if it is described in the context of political and social developments.


Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht


December 10, 2014



Todd Rester

Handbook of Dutch Church History