Machen before the House and Senate Committees on Standardized Education (1926)
May 4, 2023
J. Gresham Machen, in a historic moment, opposes the passing of a bill meant to uniform public education under the centralized control of the government.
Yesterday, Today, and Forever
December 1, 2022
"Christianity is not just a deed complete with a title search to a plot of ground and a house in heaven. It is also a set of directions, a series of indications, for living today."
To Him Be Glory Forever
October 23, 2023
From the archives: Listen to Dr. E. J. Young preach from Romans 11:36.
Living Arts: Beauty in the Bible
July 26, 2021
Listen to Dr. Edmund P. Clowney expound on a Biblical understanding of art and aesthetics.

Singing Christ
March 9, 2021
From the archives: Listen to Dr. Edmund P. Clowney preach from Psalm 22
All Theology Is Practical Theology
November 20, 2023
Theology is meant to be lived out, not just learned and contemplated.

Sing Praise to God
November 1, 2023
Van Til offers reflections on the importance of singing about Jesus's victory over sin and death.

History and Nature of Apologetics: Patterns of Thinking and the Gospel (Part 2)
November 1, 2023
History and Nature of Apologetics: Patterns of Thinking and the Gospel (Part 2)

History and Nature of Apologetics: Foundational Considerations (Part 6)
November 1, 2023
Van Til discusses the foundational difference between biblical faith and unbelieving philosophy as expressed in Roman Catholicism, Joseph Butler, Aquinas, and Aristotle. The Creator-creature distinction, he argues, requires humans to submit to the incomprehensibility of God in their thinking.